Thursday, September 19, 2013

So my favorite Beauty blogger Cynthia has announced her 4th anniversary Giveaway, already over 5,000 people have entered. Of course there is NO chance in hell I will win.. What are the chances right? But its fun to do these things anyway hehe, so I decided to enter and I get 4 points for blogging about it (yeayeee). Since this blog has been gathering dust since I decided to get a job and end my fantastically lazy life, I though .. why not!.. here is her announcement. I love the way she writes her blog and I have been a fan for years.. she is the first beauty blogger I started following and I owe my cosmetics obsession, partly to her.. Here's wishing her much love and luck in future, she is already quite well known in beauty blogger circuits, and I know she is going places... Happy 4th Blog Anniversary

4th Blog Anniversary GIVEAWAY! Win YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipstick + Sleek Oh So Special Eyeshadow Palette.

Hello! It's time for a special Giveaway again! It took me this long to announce it because I was quite confused about the prizes. I wanted to give products that you all would LOVE.
I asked in IVC Facebook Page what you all want with all your heart and soul, and the product that topped the list was Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette. That was my first option too. BUT if I picked that, it'll just be one prize since it's pricey, and I wanted to give at least two (always two) products. I will surely include the NAKED 2 in my next giveaway.
After a lot of thought, I went with my instinct, and picked my most loved products.
  • YSL Rouge Volupte Shine Lipstick ~ Shade of WINNER's choice! Because I just can't get enough of them & want them ALL! So I want to gift 1 to one lucky IVC reader.
  • Sleek Oh So Special Eyeshadow Palette ~ Because it's a very versatile palette, great for everyday & party looks. I've swatched it here.
- This Giveaway is open worldwide.
- Closing Date/Time:  24th September '13 at 11:00 pm IST.
- WINNER will be picked randomly & will be announced/emailed shortly after closing date.
- *Rules might be edited/changed, because I wrote this in a hurry! =D 

Note: the giveaway and the contents of the blog belong solely to Cynthia, I am just copy pasting, I have no rights to the material apart from the introductory lines explaining the reason I am blogging this.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Keeping up with the trends, My blog is going to be about the 'Madrasan' who has reached infamous notoriety. If you don't know what I am talking about, you are my friend, behind the times. Get up to speed.

Before I too create a storm for supporting her, I must add that I do not agree with a lot of things mentioned on her blog. But rather my blog is about the storm the blog is creating and indeed if its necessary. Also I must mention I love Delhi, I have been in this city for almost 7 years now, and will not consider living anywhere but here. But here is the problem, was she so off-based in what she claimed in the blog?

Personally, I think the fact that people are SOOO mad, calling her names, questioning her upbringing (I absolutely despise that), attacking her from morning till dawn tells me she hit a nerve somewhere. Its ok to dish it out but not take it yourself? I don't particularly like the habit some N.Indians have of thinking they are superior. And I don't get their sense of humour. Maybe that is why I found Shahana's funny where many didnt, I get that sense of humour. Coming back to Delhites and the blog, having lived in the city for a long time, and being a bengali, let me tell you about a few experienced I have had.

Firstly, I have been saved the humiliation of being laughed at my Hindi for the fact that I have lived in north India for a long time now, and my Hindi is pretty decent. but still every time I make a 'ling' mistake (Bengali's don't have separate sexes for inanimate objects, as it should be, by the way) and don't roll my R's I have been met with giggles and requests of repeating what I said, making me go red in the face, and preferring to talk in English instead. And of course a constant inquiry of  'do I eat fish?', and 'why do I eat so much non-veg?'. Funny stuff those are, now to the not-so-funny stuff. My second year of college I got sick and failed to meet the attendance criteria needed to sit for the exam. I was called to the vice-principal's office and told that she was sick of all 'north- easterns', who aren't interested in studying and party and keep going to home-towns. She wanted to teach a lesson and rejected my medicals claiming they were fake.

I have heard conversations here and there by Delhiites 'How they hate Bangalis'. Talks on how 'Bengalis' are know-it-alls' and how most Bengalis they have seen are 'dark' and how am I so fair are more common than I would like to admit. 'Don't the guys do a middle parting? (snigger, snigger)' is another popular one. not to mention the blatant stereotyping of the North Easterns, those from the South and the 'Biharis'.

Im not saying the whole of Delhi is like this.Im just stating that stereotypes exist. And many things mentioned on her blog hit the spot..quite exactly. Are we sure we have never insulted anyone for being 'different'? We have never made fun of anyone in any way, shape, or form? Was her crime that she wrote a blog about it rather than laughing with her friends about it?

Over-reacting and getting over enthusiastic about something is a problem we as a nation must really get over. A blog was written by a girl, you agree, or disagree, that is absolutely OK, going on and on about how she is a 1000 things( all very 'stereotypical' themselves), when you don't even know her, is ridiculous. I will go as much as saying it is cyber-bullying. We all are constantly badgering her, her personally, not an imaginary person she has attacked, all of us are attacking "HER". Its not right. Grow up, get lives. leave her alone.

Thank you.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Have you ever felt like death will be easier?
Easier that living with the pain,
Easier than the misery that surrounds you,
Easier than the lie you have to live everyday?
Have you ever felt like its not worth it?
All of it,the sky above and the ground below,
All the suffering that surrounds you,
All the heartbreaks that drown you.
Have you ever felt like giving up?
Just because you can, just because its easier?
Just because you don't care anymore,
Just because no one else does either?
Have you ever thought of all that you're giving up?
So much beauty in the world you never got to see,
So many dreams in your eyes. closed for eternity,
So much courage in you,you didn't give it a chance,
Were you afraid, that it would not be enough?
Didn't you trust yourself, or didn't you trust the fate written for you?
Or you didn't believe in fate, at all, did you?
So much beauty you wasted, my love,
Didn't you know, all along, you had it in you?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I hate..

I hate that you’re still in my head
I hate what you’ve reduced me to
I hate the memories I can’t get rid of
I hate that you haunt me still

I hate the person I’ve become
I hate that you’ve filled me with doubt
I hate that you made me trust you
When all you had were lies

Now all I’m left with is self doubts
I had drowned in your deceits
Yes I lived to tell the tales
But barely, I barely breathe

I know you’re happy in my misery
After all that was the kind of man you were
Again I hate that I didn’t see it
Didn’t see it behind your smile

But this is not about you at all
This is not about your lies
That is what you are
But the error was mine

Now I hope to correct the past
I hope to love without doubt
I hope to look into his eyes
And know it’ll be different this time

I hope he knows how I hate
That because of you I can’t trust him
I hope that in spite of this
He still won’t give up on me like you did

I hope that he knows I’m not perfect
But I’m trying the best I can
I hope he does what you never had the courage to do
I hope, maybe this time
Someone will prove me wrong

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Wasting time

Blogging, this is the ultimate and a colossal waste of time for me. Firstly, I can't believe someone out there is jobless enough to take the time out to read whatever pointless things I will be posting on my blog, if I do maintain it, I have always had a problem with following through. Secondly and most importantly I feel like a fraud. I have no business writing a blog. Blogs I feel are for those who write so beautifully that you can’t stop reading, even though you don't understand most of the things being written. Or for those who have important things to share. I have none, period. My 23 years on this planet have been a big fat period of nothingness interjected with sleeping, eating, procrastinating, and unnecessarily complicating my otherwise shamefully uncomplicated life. So what do I have to blog about? But as I've realized since the influx of these various networking sites, being bored makes you do a lot of things. I should not be bored by the way. I have a viva tomorrow. Another example of procrastinating and unnecessarily complicating my otherwise shamefully uncomplicated life. But that can wait as I have this very important task of sharing things on a public site that nobody cares about anyway.

In this first blog, I want to write about my happiest moment in life. This is not the happiest memory mind you. There are so many memories in one's life I feel and memories are hardly one-dimensional is it? No, the happiest moment, one where I know my life has changed and gave me the courage to look at myself in a different light. Getting into Jawaharlal Nehru University. Now I am going to talk about JNU like a pompous little thing to those who by any chance do not know about it, and even if you do, just making a point, and frankly, gloating a bit.

"It is the most prestigious university in India in terms of its reputation. International league tables produced in 2006 by the London-based The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) placed JNU among the world's top 200 universities. For life and biological sciences, JNU is ranked among the top 100 universities in the world. JNU's School of Social Sciences is at the 57th position among the world's top 100 institutes for social sciences." source Wikipedia

Entrance for JNU is held all over India in every state and supposed to be very tough to get into. After I completed my bachelor's in Sociology, I was hit with a wave of uncertainty. In every way and in every aspect of my life. I gave my JNU entrance test in a wave of unconsciousness. I was barely aware of what I was doing or where I was going. I was absolutely sure that people like me, who are average at the best in academics and did not even prepare for a day for the entrance do not get into places like JNU. I waited for the result with bated breath. I use to check the site everyday hoping for a miracle. But at the same time I knew it was not to be. Meanwhile I had also given my entrance in various other institutes. For Jamia Milia my entrance paper was canceled I'm sure because I didn't read and follow instructions clearly. I use to be in such a zombie like state those days that i never realized the ramifications of this at that time. And also there was my entrance for Hyderabad University.

This result came out fairly quick, and when I checked, I found that my name is not there. No surprises there I thought. And it was quickly forgotten. A week or so goes by and I'm out watching a movie. A call comes and it’s my dad. He asked me how I checked my HU results. I am confused (FYI, I am confused a lot). He says he has a letter from HU, I got through. I feel happy; at least I got in somewhere. Maybe getting out of Delhi will be a good thing, I tell myself. It turns out I had checked out the list of MBA results before. My name is there after all. the next few days is spend discussing how relieved everyone is that I got into a good University and my mother worrying about leaving me in Hyderabad on my own, again hardly a surprise.

On 10th June I check my JNU results one last time; it should be out by now. I type in my roll, "selected" flashes across the screen. I jump out of my chair. My heart starts beating, it hasn't beat so hard even when I got my first kiss. I check the list, my name is there I'm the 26th candidate, I check it again and again, I start to doubt if my name is Debopriya, or maybe it is some other Debopriya. I spring up and hug my mom, and yes we start crying like they do in Indian movies. It had been a hard year for her too. My mother tells my Dida who was in Delhi at that time. She insists on seeing the campus, so off we went, the three generations of women, Halder, Ghosh n Ghosh, to see a dream getting full-filled. A dream that was seen by all three of us, my Dida wanted my mom to do something good with her life, because she knew she was capable, my mother in turn wanted the same for me.

I am not a very good student; I don't work very hard or study too much or have never reached my potential that I know I'm capable of. But that day when 'selected' came on the computer screen; I knew that I have achieved something in my 23 years of nothingness. I still remember that feeling, the high. The happiness in my mother and my grandmother's eyes. So there.. My happiest moment.